
Location : UAE – Sharjah – khorfakkan

Dive Types : Reef

Depth : 5-15m

This site is 7-10 minutes form the Khorfakkan harbor and is close to  Al Qalqali wall, so the marine life is similar to the wall and Al Qalqali Rock . Upon arrival you will see two rocks on the surface and a third just under the surface. Below the surface, the main rock runs for 130m so it is a large site that takes a good 40 minutes to swim round non-stop. The hole is a swim through some 15m in length and 3 m wide by 1.5 m high so it is an overhead environment. In the hole you may have to give way to the rays or turtles. On the deeper section of the dive you may see some large Rays in the sand and if you go even further out you will find Seahorses and Nudibranchs.

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